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Writing in a Notebook

My Teaching Philosophy

Education is a process of living and not a preparation for future living. - John Dewey

I believe that all people, especially children, are naturally curious, and enjoy learning. Unfortunately, the school classroom is not always the best environment for learning: some children take to it well, but for others, the experience tarnishes the whole idea of focused study and learning. This is not the fault of teachers, who do their best for every student, but of the structure of the formal education system, which remains focused on instruction - the one-way transfer of information from teacher to learner - rather than education, the process of guidance that leaves the learner equipped to continue learning independently, taking in and synthesising information effectively on their own, for the rest of their life.


Additionally, traditional subject-based teaching creates gaps in many students' educations. Certain academic skills - close reading and analysis of texts, effective synthesis of information from disparate sources, and clear and well-structured communication, for instance - are routinely neglected in schools. This leaves those students lucky enough to be able to learn those skills from their family with a major advantage over their equally gifted, but less fortunate, peers, and that gap tends to persist and widen over time unless addressed directly- an intervention most school teachers lack the time to provide. Beyond the classroom, the modern world is increasingly complex, and the economy increasingly slanted towards the 'knowledge sector', making competence and confidence with academic skills increasingly vital.


Most importantly, academic and material benefits aside, gaining the ability to think both deeply and broadly, critically assess sources, and communicate effectively, enables the learner to engage more fully with the world. Continuous learning refers not just to the steady accumulation of facts, but to increasing clarity and insight in thinking. To question the goal of education is to miss the point: education is the goal.

My Teaching Background

My first experience of teaching was as a science communicator at Questacon, the National Science and Technology Centre. Since then, I have gained years of teaching experience with children and adults from a wide range of backgrounds, in areas from science, to academic skills, to languages, including ESL. I have taught in school classrooms, one-on-one, and in small-group settings, both offline and online.​ I am comfortable teaching to a syllabus, or towards an assessible target, or simply providing an opportunity for advanced students to flourish, and for students who do not take to conventional learning environments to develop in their own way.


I am qualified to provide tutoring at Australian High School level in English, Science, Social Studies, and multiple languages.



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